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25 Cooking Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier.

Cooking can be a fun and enjoyable experience, but it can also be stressful and time-consuming. However, with a few simple cooking hacks, you can make your life in the kitchen much easier. In this article, we'll share 25 cooking hacks that will make your life easier and help you become a more efficient cook.

1 Use a damp paper towel to prevent your cutting board from slipping.

If your cutting board tends to slip around on your countertop, dampen a paper towel and place it underneath the board. This will create a non-slip surface and make it easier to chop and slice ingredients.

2 Freeze herbs in olive oil to keep them fresh.

If you have herbs that are about to go bad, chop them up and mix them with some olive oil. Pour the mixture into an ice cube tray and freeze it. When you need to use the herbs, simply pop a cube out of the tray and add it to your dish.

3 Use a muffin tin to make a perfectly portioned omelet.

Whisk together some eggs and your favorite omelet ingredients and pour the mixture into a greased muffin tin. Bake at 350 degrees for about 15-20 minutes, or until the eggs are set. You'll have a perfectly portioned omelet that is easy to grab and go in the morning.

4 Use a potato peeler to slice cheese.

Slicing cheese can be a challenge, but a potato peeler makes it much easier. Simply run the peeler along the edge of the cheese to create thin slices.

5 Freeze meat for easier slicing.

If you're trying to slice meat for stir fry or fajitas, it can be difficult to get thin, even slices. Try freezing the meat for about 30 minutes before slicing it. This will firm up the meat and make it easier to slice.

6 Use a spoon to peel ginger.

Peeling ginger can be a tedious task, but a spoon makes it much easier. Simply scrape the edge of the spoon along the ginger to remove the skin.

7 Use a muffin tin to roast chicken.

If you want to roast chicken but don't have a roasting pan, a muffin tin can work just as well. Place a chicken thigh or leg in each muffin cup and bake at 375 degrees for about 45 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.

8 Use dental floss to cut soft foods.

If you're trying to cut soft foods like cake or cheese, dental floss can be a helpful tool. Simply slide a length of floss under the food and cross the ends over the top to cut through it cleanly.

9 Use a pizza cutter to chop herbs.

Chopping herbs can be time-consuming, but a pizza cutter makes it much faster. Simply roll the cutter through the herbs to chop them into small pieces.

10 Use a paper towel to keep the lettuce fresh.

If you've washed and dried lettuce but aren't ready to use it yet, wrap it in a paper towel and store it in a plastic bag in the fridge. The paper towel will absorb excess moisture and keep the lettuce fresh for longer.

11 Use an ice cream scoop to portion cookie dough.

If you're making cookies, an ice cream scoop can be a great tool for portioning out the dough. This ensures that each cookie is the same size and bakes evenly.

12 Use a spoon to scoop out the avocado flesh.

Scooping out the flesh of an avocado can be messy and time-consuming. Try using a spoon instead of a knife to remove the flesh from the skin. This makes it much easier to get all the good stuff out.

13 Use a toothpick to test if baked goods are done.

If you're not sure if your baked goods are done, use a toothpick to check. Insert the toothpick into the center of the baked good and if it comes out clean, it's done. If there's batter or crumbs on the toothpick, it needs more time in the oven.

14 Use a slow cooker liner for easy cleanup.

Slow cookers are a great way to make delicious meals with minimal effort, but cleaning up can be a pain. Using a slow cooker liner can make cleanup a breeze. Simply remove the liner and discard it when you're done.

15 Use a muffin tin to make mini meatloaves.

Meatloaf can take a long time to cook, but using a muffin tin to make mini meatloaves cuts down on the cooking time. Plus, they're the perfect portion size for individual servings.

16 Use a spoon to remove the seeds from the squash.

Removing the seeds from squash can be messy and difficult. Try using a spoon to scoop them out. This makes the process much easier and cleaner.

17 Use a straw to remove the stem from the strawberries.

Removing the stem from strawberries can be time-consuming. Try using a straw instead of a knife to remove the stem. Simply insert the straw at the bottom of the strawberry and push it through the top to remove the stem.

18 Use a bunt pan to roast a chicken.

Roasting a chicken in a bunt pan may seem unusual, but it's actually a great way to get a crispy, evenly cooked chicken. Place the chicken over the center hole of the pan and cook it as you normally would.

19 Use a muffin tin to make frozen smoothie packs.

If you love smoothies but don't have time to make them every day, try making frozen smoothie packs. Mix your favorite smoothie ingredients and pour the mixture into a muffin tin. Freeze the muffin tin and when you're ready to make a smoothie, pop a few of the frozen smoothie packs into your blender.

20 Use a vegetable peeler to make thin slices of vegetables.

If you want to add some thin slices of vegetables to your dish, try using a vegetable peeler. This works especially well for veggies like zucchini or carrots.

21 Use a colander to strain pasta.

Straining pasta can be a messy and frustrating task, but using a colander makes it much easier. Simply pour the pasta into the colander and let the water drain out.

22 Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds from a pumpkin.

Scooping out the seeds from a pumpkin can be a challenge. Try using a spoon to scoop them out. This makes the process much easier and cleaner.

23 Use a citrus juicer to juice lemons and limes.

Juicing lemons and limes can be difficult, but using a citrus juicer makes it much easier. Simply place the lemon or lime half into the juicer and press down to extract the juice.

24 Use a kitchen scale for accurate measurements.

Using a kitchen scale is a great way to ensure accurate measurements. This is especially helpful when baking, where precise measurements are important for the final outcome.

25 Use a sharp knife for easy cutting.

A sharp knife is essential for easy and efficient cutting. Dull knives can make the cutting process frustrating and even dangerous. Make sure to sharpen your knives regularly to ensure easy and safe cutting.

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