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Pool Exercises for a Fat-Burning Workout


Diving into a swimming pool isn't just a way to cool off in the summer months—it's also an opportunity to experience the fat-burning benefits of taking your workouts underwater. Water is denser than air, meaning that each movement you make creates more resistance and thus works muscles in a way that's different from traditional exercises.

Type of Exercise Can You Do in a Pool?

First, there is aqua jogging. This is basically just jogging in the pool with a flotation device to keep you buoyant. The water provides resistance so you get an amazing cardio workout that’s a low impact on the joints.

Next, walking or running on an underwater treadmill can help reduce stress on your joints while still getting a great cardiovascular workout. Plus, the resistance of the water will help to target fat-burning muscles like your core and legs.

Cross-Training Pool Exercises

Mix it up with cross-training pool exercises for a killer fat-burning workout. Cross-training is a great way to work for different muscle groups and increases your heart rate while also improving speed, agility, and overall endurance. Here are some of the best cross-training exercises you can do in the pool.

Deep Water Running

Deep water running is a great cardio exercise that is easy on the joints since there's no impact involved. To do this, stand in chest-deep water and start running in place by pumping your arms and driving your knees up like you would if you were running on land. Make sure to keep your core tight as you kick your feet backward like a flutter kick in swimming.

Wall Sits

Wall sits work all the muscles in your legs—quads, hamstrings, calves—to help boost their strength and power. You perform wall sits against the side of the pool instead of a wall on land; stand with your back against the wall and lower yourself so that your thighs are parallel to the ground, making sure to keep both feet flat on the bottom of the pool. Hold this position for as long as you can before pushing back up to starting position.


Burpees are an explosive exercise that offers full body benefits while helping you burn calories fast! Start by standing with feet hip-width apart then squat down, place both hands on the floor, and jump feet back into a plank position. Quickly jump back in towards hands and jump into the air with arms straight overhead then immediately squat back down into starting position and repeat!

Aqua Jogging & Water Running

Aqua jogging, it's all about working against the resistance of the water, which is 12 times greater than air. So, imagine yourself running, but without needing to worry about gravity and pounding on your joints. That's what you're getting with aqua jogging—a no-impact workout that lets you get your heart rate up without the increased risk of injury.

How to Aqua Jog:

Start in waist-high water with a flotation device around your waist

Place an anchored buoy line on each side of you to create a lane

Alternate between forward and reverse movements of your legs

Use arm movements that are similar to running on land

Focus on keeping your feet flexed, while pointing them down toward the bottom of the pool

Keep your chest lifted and body upright while performing the exercises

Benefits of Resistance Training in the Pool

You may know that resistance training is essential for a fat-burning workout—but did you know that the same exercises can be adapted to the pool? That's right:


The major benefit is that its low-impact work. That means your joints and ligaments won't get overworked with all of the impacts that can come with higher-intensity movements like running or weightlifting. All you have to do is move through your regular workouts in the water and you'll get an incredible, low-impact workout in less time.

Burn Calories

Another great thing about resistance training in the pool is that you can burn as many as 500 calories an hour! That's pretty impressive for just moving around in a pool. You're getting a major calorie burn, plus strengthening your muscles without feeling beaten up afterward.

Lateral stepping—this targets your glutes and thighs, while also working on balance and core stability

Chest presses—these target your upper body while also engaging your core at the same time

Squats—target your lower body while also working on problems areas like your hip flexors and quads

Jumps—add some cardio into the mix with these jumps, which challenge your entire body

Core Strengthening and Balance Exercises in the Water

Bicycle: Just like on land, doing bicycles in the pool is a great way to strengthen your core muscles and improve balance. Simply stand chest-deep in the water and begin pedaling with alternating knees. Make sure to move slowly and focus on keeping your balance between each knee raise—this will help you get the most out of this exercise.

Water Push-Ups: Perfect for strengthening the chest, shoulders, back, and arms, push-ups are an excellent exercise for any time—and especially for when you're exercising in the pool. Begin with feet hip-width apart so that your body is at an angle (as opposed to when doing push-ups on dry land). Push from your hands as far down into the water as possible - make sure to keep breathing steadily - then push back up again.

Single Leg Balance: Stand with one foot planted on a step or edge of the pool, while extending your other leg out at hip height. Hold this position for 10 seconds before swapping legs. This exercise is great for improving overall balance!

Whether you're looking to build muscle or just want a fat-burning workout in the pool, adding core strengthening and balance exercises into your routine is a surefire way to get that heart rate up while keeping those muscles engaged.

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